the health benefits of biltong

Is Biltong Healthy? The Health Benefits of Biltong

For 2024, most of us have set New Year's resolutions of detoxing, eating healthier or doing more exercise which are all great health benefits for both mind and body. Inevitably though, after a couple of lean months, the takeaway cravings come back and long gone are the healthy salads and fruit for lunch.

To counter this and make sure you meet all your nutritional needs, irrespective of what phase you are in, Biltong is a great healthy alternative and comes with a lot of health benefits.

Is Biltong Healthy?

Biltong It is a perfect snack for a high protein diet that can be eaten on the go or enjoyed at home, and because it is so tasty it is something that continues to be a part of people’s healthy diet all year round.

The Health Benefit of Biltong:

What makes Biltong great for a high-protein diet, and what health benefits does it offer? See below.

Carries Essential Nutrients and Vitamins That our Body Needs:

Biltong is cured and spiced before it is dried, and the fact the beef is cured and not cooked means that it retains all of the great nutrients and vitamins that our bodies need. 

A full bag of Biltong should be made up of 50% natural protein (our Biltong is 60% protein). It can vary based on brands but this is what an average bag of Biltong contains. It also has 35% of the daily value of Iron (DV) in it. It has 2% fat, which is essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and for providing energy. 

Moreover, biltong is not only a delicious snack but also a powerhouse of essential nutrients and vitamins that our bodies crave. During the curing and spicing process before drying, biltong retains a rich array of vital nutrients, including iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Nutritional highlights include an impressive 60% protein content, making it an excellent source of this essential macronutrient. With its low-fat and low-carb profile, biltong is a smart choice for those looking to maintain a balanced diet. Additionally, a 30g serving of biltong contains just 82 calories, making it a guilt-free option for satisfying snack cravings.


1. Extremely Low in Saturated Fats:

It is very low in saturated fats (usually averaging around 3%) which makes it a very popular choice for a weight-reducing diet.

Because it is low in saturated fats, it is also good for your cholesterol levels (when consumed in moderation).

Biltong is high in Vitamin B12 which is essential for healthy blood cells and successful cell replication (Source:

The high protein content and low carbohydrate value mean that a few snack bags of biltong per day could help you get to your daily protein goal quite easily.


2. Ideal Sugar-Free Snack:

Because there is no sugar added, Biltong makes the ideal sugar-free snack. Also, as it is low in carbohydrates, it reduces the sugar levels in your body and therefore your insulin needs. (Source:

The different spices used to flavour Biltong are all natural and ones you will be familiar with, the main spices used being salt, pepper, vinegar, coriander and paprika.


3. A Natural Alternative to Processed Protein Food:

Made from grass-fed, ethically-raised animal meat, this product is an excellent alternative to processed protein foods.

It contains all nine essential amino acids, particularly valine, leucine, and isoleucine, offering a complete nutritional profile without the added sugar, fat, and calories common in processed options (Source: Biltong provides the ideal protein amount your body needs, without unnecessary ingredients.


4. Perfectly Fits into Dietary Restrictions and Preference:

Whether you are on a gluten-free diet, paleo or Keto, Paleo perfectly fits into all of your dietary requirements.

For Keto diet, Biltong provides a perfect high protein, high fat, and virtually zero carb option which aligns with the Keto macronutrient requirements. Its low-carb content helps maintain ketosis, a state where the body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates (Source:

Since biltong is not processed it is suitable for the Paleo diet as well. It aligns with aligns with the Paleo principles of consuming nutrient-dense, natural foods.

Its preparation process adheres to the diet's preference for avoiding processed foods and artificial additives, making biltong a suitable and convenient snack for those following the Paleo lifestyle.


Hard to Find a Snack that is Healthy but Tasty:

It is hard to find a snack that is healthy and tasty. It comes with different natural spices that make it highly tasty without compromising on health. The common spices are salt, pepper, vinegar, coriander and paprika, which all make it highly tasty.


Is Biltong Healthier than Jerky?

Both dried meat products are high in protein and contain various health benefits. Biltong tends to be healthier due to its low sodium content compared to jerky.

It also has fewer preservatives and additives and a lower sugar content, as jerky recipes often include sugar or sweeteners in the marinade.

The preparation process of biltong also preserves nutrients better than the higher-temperature drying method used for jerky, making biltong slightly richer in certain vitamins and minerals.

 is biltong healthier than jerky


Other Key Benefits:

Biltong is a convenient snack that is easily stored. Because Biltong is cured and dried, it is regularly used to be taken on long hikes as it lasts a long time. This can also benefit those who want an easy protein-rich snack to take to the gym as it won’t go off in your gym bag.

As well as the benefits mentioned, Biltong is the perfect healthy snack when eating for two. It is believed to improve and maintain concentration during pregnancy and can also be used for children to chew on during teething.

Choosing Biltong as a regular part of your healthy diet for you and your family makes sense. It’s the perfect snack no matter if you need gluten-free, high protein, low carbs or low sugar. With a variety of styles and flavours on offer, which one will you choose?


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